Having an SEO plan for your website is a necessity for increasing traffic and generating more leads. Your goal is to have the search engines look at you as the authority in your niche.

What is SEO and Why Do I Need It

If you own a small business, then you have no doubt gotten emails selling SEO services. You may have read the emails and outside of the promise of search engine ranking, you are still not quite sure what they are talking about.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. What that means is optimizing your website so that the search engines see your website as the best source for the products or services that that your customers need. SEO is mainly having an understanding of search engine algorithms. These algorithms look at your website to see what your company is all about.  The purpose of SEO is to make your site an authority site in your niche.


Web Frontier’s SEO services will include (but are not limited to):


  • Research keywords and phrases to select appropriate, and relevant search terms.
  • Obtaining “back links” from other related websites and directories in order to generate link popularity and traffic.
  • Editing and/or optimization of text for various html tags, meta data, page titles, and page text as necessary. 
  • Analysis and recommendations on optimal website structure, navigation, code, etc. for the best SEO purposes.
  • Recommend, as required, additional web pages or content for the purpose of “catching” keyword/phrase searches
  • Create traffic and ranking reports and any associated pages showing rankings in the major search engines
seo colorado

   SEO is One Part of the Puzzle. Below are Other Parts of Your Strategy.

Brand Strategy

Your brand is who you are. It is important to have branding on everything you do. You want your customers to always remember you.

Social Media Management

Consistently updating your social media accounts is important in order to keep your name in front of your customers.

Audience Analytics

You should always be working to find out who your customer is. Finding out how your customer thinks creates a larger audience.


When you create content you alway want to keep in mind keywords and keyword placing. You should always have SEO on your mind.

Social Media Marketing

You can narrow down your audience for the most effective reach using marketing on social media.

Search Engine Optimization

Thinking like a search engine and giving them what they want leads to a greater customer base in the long run. You want to be the expert in your niche.

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