Digital Marketing and SEO
Small businesses often feel at a loss to compete with the big guys when it comes to sales and name recognition. Let us put together a digital marketing program tailored to your niche and your company.
Do You Want To Grow Your Brand And Find More Customers?
Brand Strategy
- who is your target audience
- research your competition
- have a simple name and logo
- create an identity for brand
- why choose you
- building trust
Social Media
- perform a social media audit
- define your audience
- set goals for each type of media
- regular consistent posting
- answer messages promptly
- monitor competition
Audience Analytics
- who is your audience
- age, gender, location
- who does customer follow
- what do they like to do
- what makes your product fit for them
- where can you reach them
- analyze competition
- keyword research
- on-page optimization
- create optimized content
- quality link buildding
- proper keywords and keyword density
- analyze competition content
- articles should be same length as competitors
- focus on one topic
- create kewords that can link within your site
Social Media Marketing
- social media great for niche focus
- narrow your audience
- concentrate on your niche
- take advantage of built in audiences
- create eye-catching media
- target your best audience